
Unique Opportunity to Learn Comparative Hinduism and Christianity

Published on 20 July, 2012
Unique Opportunity to Learn Comparative Hinduism and Christianity
Why Take These Classes? The majority population in the U.S., who despite being liberals and accommodating of diversity in several dimensions, have not been sensitized enough on differences between organized belief based religions vs. Hindu schools of experiential spirituality. As a result, a large majority of Christian Americans accept the proselytization of Hindus by evangelists as a legitimate and moral socio-political activity.
 When confronted with this problem, quite often the Hindus take refuge in liberality of Hinduism, rather than empowering the Hindus with knowledge, such that claims of missionaries could be countered dispassionately, rationally and logically. These classes are designed to empower the Hindus with background knowledge of both Hinduism and Christianity, in order to be able to negotiate an honorable Hindu existence in America.

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