
എല്‍ പാസോ ഷോപ്പിംഗ് മാളില്‍ വെടിവെപ്പ്, 20 മരണം; പ്രതി കസ്റ്റഡിയില്‍ (പി പി ചെറിയാന്‍)

Published on 03 August, 2019
എല്‍ പാസോ ഷോപ്പിംഗ് മാളില്‍ വെടിവെപ്പ്, 20 മരണം; പ്രതി കസ്റ്റഡിയില്‍ (പി പി ചെറിയാന്‍)

എല്‍പാസൊ മോളിലെ വാള്‍മാര്‍ട്ടില്‍ ഉണ്ടായ വെടിവയ്പില്‍ 20 പേര്‍ കൊല്ലപ്പെട്ടു. 26 പേര്‍ പരുക്കേറ്റ് ആശുപത്രിയില്‍ കഴിയുന്നതായി ടെക്‌സസ് ഗവര്‍ണര്‍ ഗ്രേഗ് ഏബട്ട് പറഞ്ഞു. എല്‍പാസൊ മേയര്‍, പൊലീസ് ചീഫ്, എഫ്‌സിഐ പ്രതിനിധി എന്നിവരും ഗവര്‍ണര്‍ക്കൊപ്പം വാര്‍ത്താ സമ്മേളനത്തില്‍ പങ്കെടുത്തു. മരണസംഖ്യ ഇനിയും ഉയരുമെന്നാണു റിപ്പോര്‍ട്ടുകള്‍.

സമീപകാലത്തൊന്നും സംഭവിക്കാത്ത കൂട്ട നരഹത്യയാണ് ഉണ്ടായതെന്ന് ഗവര്‍ണര്‍ പറഞ്ഞു. ഡാലസിലെ അലന്‍സിറ്റിയില്‍ നിന്നുള്ള 21 വയസുകാരന്‍ വെളുത്തവര്‍ഗക്കാരനായ പാട്രിക് ക്രൂസിയസാണ് സംഭവത്തിനുത്തരവാദിയെന്നും കൂടുതല്‍ പേര്‍ വെടിയേല്‍ക്കുന്നതില്‍ നിന്നും രക്ഷപെട്ടത് പൊലീസ് ഉദ്യോഗസ്ഥരുടെ സമയോചിതമായ ഇടപെടല്‍ കൊണ്ടാണെന്നും ഗവര്‍ണര്‍ പറഞ്ഞു.

മരിച്ചവരുെടയും പരുക്കേറ്റവരുടെയും കുടുംബാംഗങ്ങള്‍ക്കു വേണ്ടി പ്രത്യേകം പ്രാര്‍ഥിക്കണമെന്നും വര്‍ഗവര്‍ണ ജാതി ചിന്തകള്‍ വെടിഞ്ഞ് കുടുംബാംഗങ്ങളോട് ഐക്യദാര്‍ഢ്യം പ്രകടിപ്പിക്കണമെന്നും ഗവര്‍ണര്‍ അഭ്യര്‍ഥിച്ചു.

എകെ 47 തോക്കുമായി മോളില്‍ പ്രവേശിച്ച അക്രമി തലങ്ങും വിലങ്ങും വെടിവയ്ക്കുകയായിരുന്നു. ടെക്‌സസിന്റെ അതിര്‍ത്തി പ്രദേശമായ എല്‍പാസോയിലേക്ക് 650 മൈല്‍ ഡ്രൈവ് ചെയ്താണു യുവാവ് എത്തിയത്. ഹിസ്പാനുക്കുകള്‍ കൂടുതല്‍ താമസിക്കുന്ന ഇവിടെ വെടിവയ്പു നടത്തിയതില്‍ വംശീയതയുടെ ഭാഗമാണോ എന്നു പൊലീസ് അന്വേഷിക്കുന്നുണ്ട്.

വെടിവയ്പു നടക്കുന്ന സമയം രണ്ടായിരത്തിനും മൂവായിരത്തിനും ഇടയ്ക്ക് ആളുകള്‍ അവിടെ ഉണ്ടായിരുന്നു. പൊലീസ് പാട്രിക്കിന്റെ ഡാലസിലെ വീടിനു സമീപം നിലയുറപ്പിച്ചിട്ടുണ്ട്. ആളുകളെ ആരേലും ആ ഭാഗത്തേക്കു കടത്തി വിടുന്നില്ല. മരിച്ചവരെ കുറിച്ചുള്ള കൂടുതല്‍ വിവരം പൊലീസ് പുറത്തുവിട്ടിട്ടില്ല. പ്രസിഡന്റ് ഡോണള്‍ഡ് ട്രംപ് സംഭവത്തെ അപലപിച്ചു.
എല്‍ പാസോ ഷോപ്പിംഗ് മാളില്‍ വെടിവെപ്പ്, 20 മരണം; പ്രതി കസ്റ്റഡിയില്‍ (പി പി ചെറിയാന്‍)
എല്‍ പാസോ ഷോപ്പിംഗ് മാളില്‍ വെടിവെപ്പ്, 20 മരണം; പ്രതി കസ്റ്റഡിയില്‍ (പി പി ചെറിയാന്‍)
എല്‍ പാസോ ഷോപ്പിംഗ് മാളില്‍ വെടിവെപ്പ്, 20 മരണം; പ്രതി കസ്റ്റഡിയില്‍ (പി പി ചെറിയാന്‍)
എല്‍ പാസോ ഷോപ്പിംഗ് മാളില്‍ വെടിവെപ്പ്, 20 മരണം; പ്രതി കസ്റ്റഡിയില്‍ (പി പി ചെറിയാന്‍)
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Anthappan 2019-08-04 16:43:02
Beto O'Rourke: President Donald Trump is a white nationalist

Booker: 'There is a complicity in the president's hatred'

Democratic presidential candidates say President Trump's rhetoric has helped fuel violence like Saturday's shooting in Texas. 

 Malayalees and Christians supporting Trump are partners in crime. You should not support a person who supports White Nationalists just for some monetary benefits or because you see a macho man in him .  Christian Pastors and Churches get tax break and for that reason they support a horrible human being who happened to be the President of USA .  People donate there hard earned money to these crooked and wicked  pastors and priest and they squander with that money and have a luxurious life. Go and search on line and see what kind of Mansions they are living and what kind of cars they are driving. And also find out how many of them own private jets.  Search on line and find out how many times they were caught for adultery and sodomy.   

Religion and Politics are same and people are their victims . They have been victims for years even when church and state were same and even after it was separated.  The only difference is that they made their followers believe by separating it that it is not same anymore.  Politicians and Religious leaders are taking your money and  enjoy it  and you stupid and idiotic followers help them by voting for their candidates.  I was talking to moron Christian and he says, Trump was sent by god to punish the sinners and he believes that all democrats are sinners and followers of devil.  When I asked him whether he beloved that Obama was devil and he said, ' yes' and that is because he supports LGBT. I asked him whether he believed that Jesus was a devil  or son of god because he was spending time with prostitutes, Tax collectors, thieves and etc, he said, 'you have evil spirit on you' and he didn't want to continue conversation with me.

Trump is a white Nationalist and he is not a friend of immigrants.  His supporters like Stephen Miller, Stephen K. Bannon are supporting him with one thing in mind and that is to make America White again. But the truth of the matter is that there was no white America before and even now.  Everyone in this country has come from somewhere else. No one can claim that this country is owned by them . Even though the  majority of the population in this country is white (66%), majority of them are either Democrats or Independent.  Trump's dream will never come true though he expects more violence to break out and make it possible .  People are resilient  to over come it . This country has over come many challenges in the past and it will in the future. 

I request to those 'trio Malayalees appear' here supporting each other to go and do a soul search and find out the truth rather than continue to be stupids.  Don't think all the malayalees read E-malayalee are stupids and idiots like you guys. Call out a White Nationalist President as he is other wise his army will one day catch up with you guys  

Some information for your analysis 

Unlike earlier immigrants, the majority of the newcomers after 1900 came from non-English speaking European countries. The principal source of immigrants was now southern and eastern Europe, especially Italy, Poland, and Russia, countries quite different in culture and language from the United States.

Immigrants and their U.S.-born children now number approximately 89.4 million people, or 28 percent of the overall U.S. population, according to the 2018 Current Population Survey (CPS). Pew Research Center projects that the immigrant-origin share will rise to about 36 percent by 2065.Mar 14, 2019
Republicans @ fault 2019-08-05 07:30:18
Russian mich or masscremitch is an IRA agent and took money from russia. He is standing against the gun control along with other republicans
The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, lapsed in 2004. This legislation, among other provisions, banned the manufacture and sale to civilians of assault-style weapons and certain "large-capacity" ammunition magazines for guns, Congress has attempted to pass new bans on assault-style weapons, but the legislation has picked up little traction in the Republican-controlled Senate. 

In February this year, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 8: Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019. This bill passed 240-190, with eight Republicans joining almost all Democrats to vote for the bill.

This bill would prohibit most person-to-person firearm transfers unless a background check can be conducted, aiming to close a potential loophole allowing the transfer of firearms without a background check at gun shows or between individuals. 

The Senate has not taken any action on the bill since the House passed it. 

H.R. 1112 Bipartisan Background Checks Act

This bill would extend to at least 10 days the amount of time firearms dealers must wait for a response from the background check system before the sale can proceed. Currently, they can make the sale if they haven’t received a response in three days.

H.R. 1112 passed in February 2019 by a vote of 240-190. Like H.R. 8, the Senate has taken no action on the bill since it passed.  

"Red-flag" laws

Some Republicans have spoken in favor of "red-flag" laws, which would allow family members or law enforcement to limit a person's access to firearms if they are deemed a potential threat to the public. 

Stand up against evil 2019-08-05 09:00:37
Our White Nationalist President will be addressing the nation and will be adding more lies to his 10000 lies .
Rupee 2019-08-05 10:58:52
Please do not spread hatred. Several killings happened under the previous president. Do not forget every single day people are being killed at home, work place or random. Mental illness and drug addiction is one of the main reasons which no one should ignore. Our current law is such that no one can force them to take medications or commit them for
treatment. It is up to their on will. So many of the mentally ill are every where. They have the right to carry guns and as free as every normal person. Many schizophrenic people’s thoughts are very disturbed as they go through delusions and hallucinations. What we need is law that mental illness be treated as any other disease and commit them when needed and appropriate treatment with family consent.  We must call our local congressmen and voice our concern. Do not forget to vote because that is our voice and right.

News Alert 2019-08-05 11:12:24

Half of Americans believe President Trump is a racist — a point of view shared by a large majority of blacks and a majority of Hispanics, according to a new poll out Tuesday.

Fifty-one percent of Americans overall say Trump is a racist, while 45 percent say he isn’t, a Quinnipiac University National poll showed.

A supremacist in the white house 2019-08-05 15:47:18

President Donald Trump tried to blame a lot of things Monday for a series of horrific shootings over the weekend. What he didn't do was take any of the blame onto himself or pledge to change his rhetoric.

He did blame violent video games, mental illness, the internet and a culture that promotes violence for helping to foster white nationalism and hatred behind at least one of the shootings that shocked the country.
He did not acknowledge the fact that he often traffics in some of the same language as white supremacists like the one who killed 22 people in El Paso.
CID Moosa 2019-08-05 11:55:02
Rupees is  a secret adorer of Trump. He probably likes his big hand and height, and the width of his buttocks.  So his analysis on the news is baseless and not evidence based.  There are lots people out there those who are angry, frustrated, not loved, harboring hatred and do not know how to manage it. They vent it out in some way and the learned readers understand it . It is not a good time to support Trump because he is a sick person who harbor hatred to minority and immigrants. He is a White Nationalist for sure.  

Anger, frustration, love, hatred, revenge are not mental illness.  Children growing up in broken family is not mental illness.  People  who buy weapon which is not used even in war are not doing it because of mental illness. There are so many ignorant Trump supporters want to portray it that way.  Trump is a racist. His father is from Germany where the Neo-Nazi group originated .  He is a crying crocodile. He and his father marked 'c' means colored on the application of tenets applied for rental property owned by them.   He spent $85000  dollar and bought a full page add in New York times asking for  death penalty for the  three black men, (Central park rapist who later found not guilty of rape and acquitted-City gave 42 million settlement for putting them in jail and ruining their life ) who were falsely accused of  rape. He came to power through birther-ism and claiming that Obama (one of the best presidents of America-The   historians had ranked Franklin D. Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, Lyndon B. Johnson, Woodrow Wilson, Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama as the best presidents so far.  )   .  Trump is a White Nationalist and it is time to vote him out of Oval office before it gets too late. 
Warning signs 2019-08-05 16:49:50
When you see something say something -  The following comment can be written by a mentally sick person.  

"According to the shooter, our world is occupied by too many humans. To save the world, he had to kill some. He must have learned that from AOC or some other global warmists. 

Democrats and the fake news, 24/7 spreading hatred and violence. Beto O'Rourke looks, acts and talk like a baffoon. He is a baffoon.

The shooter in Ohio is a member of antifa. He wants to destroy Trump and the Republicans."
concerned 2019-08-05 18:37:14
"According to the shooter, our world is occupied by too many humans. To save the world, he had to kill some. He must have learned that from AOC or some other global warmists. 

Democrats and the fake news, 24/7 spreading hatred and violence. Beto O'Rourke looks, acts and talk like a baffoon. He is a baffoon.

The shooter in Ohio is a member of antifa. He wants to destroy Trump and the Republicans."

When someone quotes the shooter's word and expands it; it is clear that the  person is sick -Who is this guy ? I hope the family members are keeping an eye on him. Otherwise it is going to be like the Indian who killed father ( ഇന്ത്യന്‍ വംശജന്‍ ഫിലഡല്‍ഫിയയില്‍ പിതാവിനെ വെടിവച്ചു കൊന്നു. ) 
Anthappan 2019-08-05 19:59:36

Violent Death

Death when you're old is rest.
Death when you're sick is the pain stopping.
Death by a gun when you're not sick or old
is losing your arms and legs and eyes.
It is having your insides fall out and
your blood run away on the ground.
It is being young and wanting to
play and to learn and to love.
Then the gun smashes you and
you can't play any more. (Anonymous)  posted by Anthappan 

Rupee 2019-08-05 21:59:12
If Trump is the problem Vote him out. Vote! Vote!. That is our right. How many of us really voted
after being in this country for 20 to 40 years. I voted every election since 1980 not only for president but local election too.
മലയാളത്തില്‍ ടൈപ്പ് ചെയ്യാന്‍ ഇവിടെ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക