
ട്രമ്പ് രാമരാജ്യം കൊണ്ടു വരുമെന്നു റിപ്പബ്ലിക്കന്‍ ഹിന്ദു കൊ അലിഷന്‍ റാലി

Published on 08 February, 2018
ട്രമ്പ് രാമരാജ്യം കൊണ്ടു വരുമെന്നു റിപ്പബ്ലിക്കന്‍ ഹിന്ദു കൊ അലിഷന്‍ റാലി
വാഷിംഗ്ടണ്‍, ഡി.സി. പ്രസിഡന്റ് ട്രമ്പിന്റെ നയങ്ങള്‍ക്കു പിന്തുണ പ്രഖ്യാപിച്ച് റിപ്പബ്ലിക്കന്‍ ഹിന്ദു കൊ അലിഷന്റെ നേത്രുത്വത്തില്‍ വൈറ്റ് ഹൗസ്നു മുന്നില്‍ നടത്തിയ പ്രകടനത്തില്‍ ആയിരത്തോളം പേര്‍ പങ്കെടുത്തു.

ട്രമ്പിനെ ഞങ്ങള്‍ സ്‌നേഹിക്കുന്നു, ട്രമ്പ് ഈസ് ദി ബെസ്റ്റ്, കെല്ലിയാന്‍കോണ്‍ വേയെ (ട്രമ്പിന്റെ ഉപദേഷ്ടാവ്) ഞങ്ങള്‍ സ്‌നേഹിക്കുന്നു, ഫെയ്ക്ക് ന്യുസ് ബഹിഷ്‌ക്കരിക്കുക, ട്രമ്പ് ഹിന്ദുക്കളെ സ്‌നേഹിക്കുന്നു, ട്രമ്പ് രാമരാജ്യം കൊണ്ടു വരും തുടങ്ങിയ പ്ലാക്കാര്‍ഡുകളുമായിട്ടായിരുന്നു റാലി.

ഇതിനു പുറമെ വിസ ലോട്ടറി നിര്‍ത്തുക, ചെയിന്‍ ഇമ്മിഗ്രേഷന്‍അവസാനിപ്പിക്കുക, പകരം യോഗ്യതയുള്ളവരെ കൊണ്ടു വരിക, ഗ്രീന്‍ കാര്‍ഡിനു ഓരോ രാജ്യത്തിനും തുല്യമായ ക്വാട്ട എന്നത് നിര്‍ത്തുക, സിയമപരമായി ചെറുപ്പത്തില്‍ വന്ന ശേഷം 21 വയസു കഴിഞ്ഞ് തിരിച്ചു പോകേണ്ടി വരുന്നവര്‍ക്ക് വിസ നല്‍കുക, ഡ്രീമേഴ്‌സ് (ഡി.എ.സി.എ) നിയമം ലംഘിച്ചു വന്നപ്പോള്‍ അവര്‍ നിയവിധേയമായി വന്നു, ഡ്രീമേഴ്‌സ്നു സിറ്റിസന്‍ഷിപ്പിനു പകരം ചുവന്ന കാര്‍ഡ് നല്‍കുക, അതിര്‍ത്തിയില്‍ മതില്‍ നിര്‍മ്മിക്കുക തുടങ്ങിയ ബില്‍ ബോര്‍ഡുകളും ഉണ്ടായിരുന്നു.

സഹോദര്‍ക്കും മുതിര്‍ന്ന മക്കള്‍ക്കും ഗ്രീന്‍ കാര്‍ഡ് നകുന്ന ഇപ്പോഴത്തെ രീതിയാണു ചെയിന്‍ മൈഗ്രേഷന്‍. ഒരു രാജ്യത്തിന്യ് പ്രതിവര്‍ഷം 9600 ഗ്രീന്‍ കാര്‍ഡ് മാത്രമെ നല്‍കുകയുള്ളു. വലിയ രാജ്യത്തിനും ചെറിയ രാജ്യഠിനും ഇതു തുല്യമാണു. ഇതു മൂലം ഇന്ത്യയില്‍ നിന്നുള്ള രണ്ടു ലക്ഷത്തില്‍ പരം എച്ച്-1 വിസക്കാരാണു ഗ്രീന്‍ കാര്‍ഡിനായി പതിറ്റാണ്ടുകളോളം കാത്തു നില്‍ക്കേണ്ടി വരുന്നത്.

പ്രസിഡന്റ് തെരെഞ്ഞെടുപ്പു കാലത്ത് ആര്‍.എച്ച്.സി ട്രമ്പിനെ തുണച്ചിരുന്നു. ട്രമ്പ് ന്യു ജെഴ്‌സിയിലെ എഡിസണില്‍ ആര്‍.എച്ച്.സി പ്രവര്‍ത്തകരെ അഭിസംബോധന ചെയ്യുകയുമുണ്ടായി. ഇതേത്തുടര്‍ന്നു ഒരു മില്യനോളം ഹിന്ദു വോട്ടുകള്‍ ട്രമ്പിനു കിട്ടി എന്നു സംഘടന അവകാശപ്പെടുന്നു. അത് ട്രമ്പിന്റെ വിജയഠിനു സഹായിച്ചുവെന്നും.

സംഘടനയുടെ സ്ഥാപകന്‍ ശലഭ് ഷല്ലി കുമാറിന്റെ കുടുംബമാണു റാലി സ്‌പോണ്‍സര്‍ ചെയ്തത്

Indian Americans under the banner of Republican Hindu Coalition organized a rally in front of White House supporting President Donald Trump’s immigration proposals. 

It was an unprecedented scene. More than a thousand members and volunteers of Republican Hindu Coalition, mostly of Hindu and Indian descent, from across the country, marched with signs and slogans: ‘We Love Trump,’ ‘Trump is the Best,’ ‘Reagan on steroids,’ ‘We Love Kellyanne Conway,’ ‘We love Steven Miller,’ ‘America First,’ ‘Make America Great Again,’ ‘Make America Proud Again,’ ‘Boycott Fake News,’ ‘Trump Loves Hindus,’ ‘Trump is not a Racist,’ ‘Trump Great on Taxes,’ ‘Trump Great on Crime,’ ‘Trump bringing Ramrajya,’ (Rule of God), ‘End Chain Migration,’ ‘End Chain Reallocate to Skilled,’ ‘End Country Limit: Bring the Best and the Brightest,’ ‘End Visa Lottery,’ ‘DACA Fix: Purple Cards, No Citizenship, Fee to build the Wall,’ ‘Don’t Forget Legal Childhood Arrivals,’ ‘DALCA kids deserve better,’ ‘Cut Green card Backlog,’ ‘Hire American Buy American,’ ‘DACA broke the law,’ and ‘DALCA obeyed the Law.’ 

If you hid the faces of the crowd, just looked at the signs and heard their slogans, you would think this was President Trump’s white American base at the Rally. But, once again, after the massive Hindu campaign of 2016 that converted over one million Hindu American voters from Democrat to Republican where candidate Trump on October 15th spoke at a huge Hindu rally just 3 weeks prior to the Election, Republican Hindu Coalition (RHC) once again demonstrated beyond a shadow of doubt that Hindu Americans under the leadership provided by RHC, have come to love this businessman turned politician who is bold, speaks the truth and is a man of action. It was quite evident from this rally that Hindus totally debunk the main stream narrative of Trump being a racist. RHC believes that President Trump would be remembered as a historical, one of the Best Presidents of the Country. 

The rally was sponsored by the Kumar family of Chicago with Vikram Aditya Kumar as chairman of Republican Hindu Coalition and his sister Manasvi Kumar as Vice Chair of RHC, who is also a Super Model and a renowned actress. Manasvi’s rally promotional video went viral on social media! 

The grass-root and on the ground effort was organized and executed by the tireless leaders of RHC led by Krishna Bansal with Anil Sharma, Utsav, Siva Moopanar, Souptik Mukherjee, Yash Bodduluri, Srinivas Nathi, and many others. 
"We are looking strictly for a merit-based immigration. That will bring prosperity and fast economic growth of the US," Krishna Bansal, national policy and political director of Republican Hindu Coalition, told the rally of highly skilled Indians, who want to make the US now their permanent home. 

"We are with President Trump for taking initiative towards a merit-based immigration system while ending chain migration, visa lottery and country quotas" Mr Bansal said, adding that his group is working with the White House and lawmakers towards a comprehensive immigration bill that should include all these things. 

Giving green cards to legal dreamers and thousands of hard working highly skilled professionals who have been legally here and already contributing to the nation deserves a priority. This will realize their full potential and boost country's growth and prosperity, he said. 

Through massive efforts by RHC in Washington DC, in the House, US Senate and RHC’s deep connections with President Trump and the White House, President recently addressed the issue of Green card backlogs and has made Merit based Immigration as a requirement of any DACA fix.

RHC made its position amply clear on the DACA (Deferred Action on Childhood arrivals) fix issue. First of all, the appropriate acronym of DACA should be DAICA (Illegal Childhood arrivals). RHC declared at the Rally that it has full sympathy of DAICA kids, but there should be Compassion with Justice. DAICA kids want security. They want the threat of deportation, a sword hanging on their necks, removed. It is RHC’s belief from its deep connections in the Hispanic community (many Hindus are mistaken for Hispanics and vice versa!) that DAICA would gladly pay $2500 per year for ten years in exchange for the removal of the sword and that would pay for the Wall. 

Akshita, a daughter of legal residents in United States. She was only half year old when she moved to the US along with her father Ramesh Ranathan, who is in the IT profession contributing to the growth of US economy. Describing herself as Legal Dreamer, Akshita said the current green card waiting period for Indians of over 70 years means that her parents are unlikely to get legal permanent residency for next few decades. 

"I will be getting pretty much 'kicked out' of the US, the only home I have ever known, the land that I felt all the happiness of achievement, and the burning anger of disappointment," Akshita said in a passionate plea. Also, being on a dependent visa could mean that it will be much harder for colleges to accept me, no matter how good my grades are," she said 

"And all of this just because I was born in a different country that I barely even lived in? Don‘t you think that’s unfair?" she said, adding that she feels that her dreams would be shattered. "It sounds scary when I think the day I would turn 21, I will be stamped as an alien, a foreigner when you turn 21, even though you have lived in the country legally your whole life?" she asked urging Congress to have an resolution for Legal Dreamers (DALCA). 

At the rally, RHC brought out the issue of DALCA kids which so far has been completely ignored by the main stream media. Besides the 700.000 DAICA kids, there are more than 200,000 DALCA kids, who come from highly skilled families, who are model citizens, who came here as kids, have never broken the law, pay taxes, and are great future job creators in our country. Their only fault is that they are born to parents who are citizens of India, parents who have been approved for Green cards but have to wait more than 60 years to get them due to a huge backlog caused by chain migration that eats up almost 80% of approximately one million green cards issued per year. DALCA kids lose their legal status at 21 while their parents are waiting for their Green Cards. 
RHC made it amply clear that legislators must do what is ethically and morally right, issue GCs to DALCA kids. They have no problem paying the fee as DAICA kids would. Whereas DAICA broke the law, DALCA did not, that is why RHC proposed that DAICA gets work permits that is Purple Cards, whereas DALCA kids get Green cards. 

RHC at the Rally requested the House, the Senate and the Whitehouse to come together on legislation that must include the following: 

• Deferred Action on Legal Childhood arrivals and give them Green Cards within two years. $ 2500 fee per year for ten years. 
• End Chain Migration and Reallocate to Merit Migration, to bring in the Best and the Brightest for 21st Century economy. 
• Eliminate Visa Lottery
• Eliminate the 7% per Country Limit to end the 60+ year Green Card backlog for highly skilled Immigrants, a large % from India, on strictly merit basis for major contribution to our economy. 
• Grant Purple Cards to DAICA kids in exchange for $2500 fee for ten years. This fulfills Trump promise of Mexico pays for the WALL. 
There are at least six Bills in Congress in addition to the Directive by the White House dealing with these immigration issues. Republican Hindu Coalition is in touch and closing coordinating with all the major players involved, from WH to the House and the Senate. 

Following its massive success at the Feb 3rd Rally (a crowd of only 250 was expected, but more than 1000 showed up): 
RHC launches a massive campaign for the next four weeks to Fix DALCA, end Chain Migration and Reallocate to Skilled based immigration to cut the GC backlog to two years. 

"US Economy if it was to grow four per cent per year will need another 400,000 high-skilled workers added to the work force each year. Immigration reform needs to address this issue as well. The Hindu and Indian community has some anxiety related to Immigration issues," said Anil Sharma a member of the organizing team. 

Republican Hindu Coalition was founded by Shalabh ‘Shalli’ Kumar, the man who conceived of “Ab Ki Bar Trump Sarkar” in 2016 and many believe put President Trump in the Whitehouse. It was inaugurated in November of 2015 under the leadership of Speaker Newt Gingrich, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and many other senior leaders of the Republican Party, to provide a single unified platform to build a strong, effective and respected voice in Washington and around the world. For more information about RHC, please visit the website 

ട്രമ്പ് രാമരാജ്യം കൊണ്ടു വരുമെന്നു റിപ്പബ്ലിക്കന്‍ ഹിന്ദു കൊ അലിഷന്‍ റാലി
ട്രമ്പ് രാമരാജ്യം കൊണ്ടു വരുമെന്നു റിപ്പബ്ലിക്കന്‍ ഹിന്ദു കൊ അലിഷന്‍ റാലി
ട്രമ്പ് രാമരാജ്യം കൊണ്ടു വരുമെന്നു റിപ്പബ്ലിക്കന്‍ ഹിന്ദു കൊ അലിഷന്‍ റാലി
ട്രമ്പ് രാമരാജ്യം കൊണ്ടു വരുമെന്നു റിപ്പബ്ലിക്കന്‍ ഹിന്ദു കൊ അലിഷന്‍ റാലി
ട്രമ്പ് രാമരാജ്യം കൊണ്ടു വരുമെന്നു റിപ്പബ്ലിക്കന്‍ ഹിന്ദു കൊ അലിഷന്‍ റാലി
ട്രമ്പ് രാമരാജ്യം കൊണ്ടു വരുമെന്നു റിപ്പബ്ലിക്കന്‍ ഹിന്ദു കൊ അലിഷന്‍ റാലി
ട്രമ്പ് രാമരാജ്യം കൊണ്ടു വരുമെന്നു റിപ്പബ്ലിക്കന്‍ ഹിന്ദു കൊ അലിഷന്‍ റാലി
ട്രമ്പ് രാമരാജ്യം കൊണ്ടു വരുമെന്നു റിപ്പബ്ലിക്കന്‍ ഹിന്ദു കൊ അലിഷന്‍ റാലി
ട്രമ്പ് രാമരാജ്യം കൊണ്ടു വരുമെന്നു റിപ്പബ്ലിക്കന്‍ ഹിന്ദു കൊ അലിഷന്‍ റാലി
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FREE THINKER 2018-02-09 06:00:54

ചൂട് വാര്‍ത്തകള്‍

Immigrants who received any Gov. aids like food stamp, rent, medic aide  may not get green card,

Dow fell twice this week, trump said he love Gov. shutdown.

Trump called Democrats- treasonous, while he asked Russian help to overturn election results to become President.

Trump asked for a Military parade costing millions of $s, while Veterans has no house to live.

Porter worked in White house even though they knew about his domestic abuse.

# of Americans killed in Iraq & Afghanistan from                  2001- 20012 = 6488

# of American Women killed by current or ex-partners from 2001-20012 = 11766

Wake up America.

Anthappan 2018-02-09 09:26:58
GOP blamed Obama for all the debt and Republican will be adding 1.5 trillion with the tax reform for the rich. Another 300 billion will be added with the new budget agreement.  Trump is quite about the stock market and it's wild ride. So does the Trump supporters like Bobby Varghese .  The total debt will be 20.5 trillion with Trump's make America debt nation slogan.  Trump and his crooks are now eying on social security and medicare and that means your parents will be in trouble  The parents whose children will not take care of them will be suffering with all diseases and eventually starve to death. Each individual is in debt by $64000. But don't forget $1.5 raise you got with tax reform.
Rationalist 2018-02-09 11:57:00

Read the new testament of the bible. You can see the scribes praising Roman Emperors & there are prayers in Christian liturgy to protect the Rulers even though the rulers were persecuting Christians.  And at the same time they abused Hebrews and blamed the death of Jesus on Jews and supported their persecution by Romans.

 Well, it is a political strategy to divert the attention. The Christians did so to divert the torture from them to the Jews. But it is a foolish belief. ‘Hindus’ are rallying in Washington DC  under the stupid belief that the ‘white extremists’  will leave them alone and focus on others like Blacks and Hispanics.

 But in the eye of the White terrorist, you all look the same. In fact, Indians will be targeted more than others. Any by supporting trump, you have taken away the sympathy that is usually given to the Indians by Hispanics and Blacks.

Trump family  promised big business enterprises in India and North Indian Oligarchs had meetings with them in trump tower in New York. It was announced recently that trump Jr gave up  those projects. It can be concluded that those N>Indians are behind this really and just ‘coolies’ are walking around with those signs. How much they get out of it, may be $50-100- a one time pay.

Remember, the British and other colonial powers were able to conquer and defeat India not because of their Naval Power, but because of Indian traitors who betrayed Indians for  short term benefits. The same is true about African slavery.

You foolish coolies!  

For അച്ചായന്‍സ് 2018-02-09 13:03:18


·         Pence  has no idea what is going on in White House.  He is the VP and anytime soon the President, is he lying or he kept out?

·         Vast majority oppose trump’s Military parade.

·         Majority of Americans trust FBI and not trump

·         Any immigrant if they used any type of public  aide like: section 8, heating bill, medicine, education, food stamps,CHIP,WIC will be disqualified from getting a green card.

·         Malayalees who brought their parents and collected any of the above ഹാ ഹാ

·         Trump owes Deutsche Bank (DB) $364 M Kushner owes them $285M DB has a cooperating agreement with Vnesheconombank (VEB), who is under US sanctions = Mueller got them both. = both go to Jail.


ചൂടന്‍ വാര്‍ത്തകള്‍ 2018-02-10 13:53:08


Trump has abused several women

His staff are women abusers.

Arthur Jones, Holocaust denier & former head of Nazi Party is running for congress in Illinois as a Republican candidate.

Russian oligarch purchased trump’s  palm beach estate for 95 million.

White House staff left Friday meeting with the assumption Kelly has asked them to lie.

Number of Africans deported by ICE in 2017 doubled.

Trump is sympathizing with men who are accused of  domestic violence.

Poor trump, he conspired with Russia only one time and now everybody is calling him a traitor


ചൂട് വാര്‍ത്തകള്‍ Sun.9 AM 2018-02-11 08:56:46

ചൂട് വാര്‍ത്തകള്‍

Trump is refusing to publish the Intelligence report on his connections with Russia, he knows it is true and him & his family could be charged for treason and jail time.

Republican National Committee did a poll on trump & the result …… take a guess,

Israeli fighter plane down

Russian plane with 71 on board missing

Pence did not standup for North Korea athletes in the opening ceremony of winter Olympics, the same guy who ridiculed those who took a knee against police brutality.

Mouse poop found in Little Caesars Pizza.

ICE deporting father of 5year old with cancer

John Kelly is willing to resign, but WH said no.

California republican representative is being investigated for misuse of campaign funds for personal use.

Watergate was a coverup but trump family connections are crime & treason.



TRUTH FINDER 2018-02-11 06:16:57

71-year-old Timothy Nolan — a former Campbell County District Judge who was chair of the Trump campaign in Kentucky   entered guilty pleas on all 21 counts against him in court on Friday.  charges, trafficking of adults,  minors, and unlawful transaction with minors.

California police investigating a violent white nationalist event, police worked with white supremacists,  officers expressing sympathy with white supremacists and trying to protect a neo-Nazi organizer’s identity, anti-fascist activists  were charged with felonies

Hicks,  was interviewed by the special counsel Robert Mueller regarding Russian interference in the 2016 election. Hicks is a close associate of trump.

trump is not ready to approve the release of a Democratic memo meant to rebut a document he declassified last week that was authored by Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee, the White House announced. = he is afraid of the truth.

President Obama was everything that never trump will be. Honorable. Dignified. Compassionate. A level- headed leader, strong family man and, most importantly, a good soul. America was blessed to have  Obama as a leader &President. 

ചൂടന്‍ വാര്‍ത്തകള്‍ 2018-02-11 15:46:22

ചൂടന്‍ വാര്‍ത്തകള്‍ Sun.3.30 PM

Trump during 2016 election brought several women who accused Bill Clinton of sexual abuse, but he said they were faking it when he was friends with Clintons.  He himself &WH staffs, several evangelical republicans are accused of sex abuse and battery on women, trump claims the are faking but paid them lot of money to be silent.

Nixon fired the man who was investigating him, will Donny try the same?

Capitalism is terrorism against all humanity -Pope Francis.

Kellyeanne Conway defends trump’s sexual abuses and attacks the senator whom trump abused.

Devin Nunes creates his own alternative News Media.

Trump supporters won’t leave him because they all share the same character.

The FBI refused to grant Robert Porter permanent security clearance after two ex-wives made allegations of abuse against him. Why did White House Chief of Staff John Kelly allow him to stay?



മലയാളത്തില്‍ ടൈപ്പ് ചെയ്യാന്‍ ഇവിടെ ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക